Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Adventures With the Doctor

Sunday was a busy day for me. I went into Jersey early for a bridal shower. Wonderful time there. That's for another post perhaps though. Came back into the city late because the train was late.
I was two blocks from home when I got a text saying Matt Smith was at the Way Station bar in Brooklyn. What? So I race home the two blocks change clothes from my inappropriate sundress that I foolishly wore in this cold rainy day, to comfy jeans and Doctor Who shirt.
I race back out the door, not before grabbing a couple DW magazines and a Sharpie just in case.
As I leave, i text a couple friends who I know would want to know about this. Unfortunately one is in the middle of studying for finals and the other could care less about Doctor Who, but put on pants anyway to come make sure I didn't molest Matt Smith. (Tho let's be honest, he's not the one I'd "molest"... <cough> Tennant... <cough>)
This same friend also tells me she checked the Way Station Facebook page and tells me Stephen Moffat is there too. Whoa! (curse words might have been spewed)
So I basically run as fast as I can to the train and hope for a miracle that trains get there quickly, including the transfer i need to take once in Brooklyn.
Get into Brooklyn, run down the ten blocks to get there. People are giving me hope as I run, via text messages telling me based on crowds they are both probably still there. Hooray!
I make it there sweaty and out of breath. Big madhouse.
Matt is taking pics as he is mobbed and trying to make his way back to where Moffat was sitting. Then is trying to leave the madness and us still being gracious enough to take pics with people as he's exiting.
I make my way outside hoping to catch him.
Eventually I do. I beg to take a picture with him and throw my camera to the closest random stranger. Matt smiles graciously and patiently. And as soon he's done with me, he throws his hoodie up and bolts the area.

Now Moffat. He's still inside signing but finishing up and honestly there's no way i can back through the crowd inside the bar. So I decide to wait outside. In the meantime I found my friend who says I "molested" Matt since she saw him running for his life (how appropriate, Doctor).
So I patiently wait for Moffat to come out. Of course he's not as mobbed because people have been able to get to him inside as well as the fact that he's not Matt Smith in these people's eyes. But he is followed out but in a more civilized manner.
So I wait for my chance. Someone comes up to shake his hand and say thank you. And that's my in. I do the same and kindly ask  for a photo.
Moffat says he feels like a giant for once next to my petite 5 foot frame and also that he's the ugly one. Funny man. He was very kind.

Side note, Moffat's wife was there as well. At the moment if posting I don't recall her name but apparently she of Sherlock fame (no surprise there) but I didn't know her so I didn't want to just take a random pic with her.

And this is the video someone took at the Way Station of Moffat's speech.

So that was my brief but amazing adventure with the Doctor. I hope there are more adventures with him to come. I'll be intently listening for that worp worp sound again.


  1. I am INSANELY jealous of you! Matt Smith is my Doctor (I wouldn't "molest" him tho, I'd rather have him as a BFF to be perfectly honest) and Moffat is one of my writing heroes :D I'm glad all that frantic running you did paid off in the end! Also, your friend who was studying for their final is hella dedicated -- I would've dropped everything if I got a text like that from someone!

    Nina // lefancygeek.com

    1. heh thanks!! yeah i kind of dropped everything to get there! just in time! :) no, i wouldn't molest any of these celebs honestly. but my friend liked to keep saying that because of how excited i was haha. I am more of a Tennant fan but any of them will do :)

      Yeah I was proud of her for studying! She honestly would have missed them anyway so it was for the better.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!
