Sunday, May 12, 2013

Agents of Shield

Well, Joss Whedon's newest baby, TV show "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." got picked up by ABC TV. It's fantastic news for all - not just his fans or fans of Agent Coulson the character, but for the cast and crew thereof.

Back is Clark Gregg reprising his role as the lead, Agent Coulson, that he made famous in all the Marvel superhero films, though made most famous in the Avengers. Fans of Coulson though are very eager to find out how Coulson lived through the Avengers. Apparently Gregg asked the same question to Whedon when approached to reprise the role. The secret answer was given to Gregg precisely and swiftly that Gregg was totally convinced in two sentences from Whedon. So now we all wait for that anticipated answer!

Many theories have of course risen to Coulson being a robot of some sort - whether it be that Coulson is could be Vision or even that Vision became Coulson. I would go into depth about the character Vision but I personally am not educated enough to discuss that, other than knowing he was a "robot" descendant that Ant-Man created. (And Ant-Man is being made later in the year or so, so this can be a plausible theory, I suppose).

Anyway, tonight we got a special teaser to it. It looks amazing and so much fun! I cannot wait to see this on my TV each week!! Enjoy this teaser while we wait impatiently!

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