Friday, October 18, 2013

NYCC Cosplayers 2013

I saw a ton of amazing cosplayers this year at NYCC. I didn't get to stop and take pics of all of them though. I hate tying up foot traffic to do so. So if they were already taking pics or I was waiting in line in the bigger, wider areas, then I felt I could ask them. There were so many more awesome costumes but I just couldn't stop to take them all! 

Rose, Doctor Who, New, New New New New York episode - she made the shirt herself!

Tron! Her shoes, earrings (can't see), dress are all custom-made!

A small child was inside this costume.

I don't know what this is from, but yes, a person is on all fours in this costume.

Arthur Dent, don't forget your towel! Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Friend in our booth as a Ghostbuster!


Love this. River Song and Cyber Doctor

Two Doctor Horribles

Jim Butcher's character Harry Dresden

Captain Marvel! as human and dog form! too cute!
Xena and Autolycus

Sif, Dan Slott and Thor

9th Doctor
OK, not cosplay perse, but it's Lola!

me and Lola!


  1. LOVE the River & Cyber Doctor, and the Harry Dresden characters!@

  2. yes, those were incredible! his cyborg portion was really nicely done! harry dresdon was a shocker since most wouldn't know that one off-hand.

  3. Nice pictures. Looks like you had a great time.

    1. thank you! i did have a great time this year. I wish i had more time to walk around the floor and take even more pics. but i was stuck downstairs most of the weekend. hehe
