I wanted to walk the floor on Thursday since that is supposed to be the calmer of all the days, being a Thursday and being a shorter day from 3pm-9pm. But it was packed that day. I had friends to meet up with and a show floor to wander and it all collided. I was exhausted from the prep week I had leading up to the con, too. So things were crazy for me. It all came to a head about 6pm where I basically lost it emotionally. I was kind of done. I had done nothing though!! Sigh. I took a break and never really recovered enough to do more than see my friends and hit up only a few booths that night.
With Thursday being a wash, I tried to get things done Friday but again, it was crazy, though I was better prepared. And I had a lot to do on my schedule. I needed to go to artist alley to pick up my commission from the great artist Thom Zahler who writes and draws the comic Love and Capes. One of my favorite comic series. I asked him to do a commission for me of C3P0 in Mickey ears. He delivered! It looks fantastic! And he even has a hidden Mickey in the back with planets as the hidden Mickey! Awesome! :)
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Thom Zahler's Mickey-eared C3P0 and the color print. Color print has Anthony Daniel's autograph. |
I went to the autograph area so I could get Anthony Daniel's autograph and Felicia Day's autograph. I took Thom Zahler's C3P0 print to get signed by Anthony Daniel. He loved the idea and the unique artwork to get signed. He was lovely. He even walked the aisle a little to talk to people. It was nice.
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Thom Zahler's artwork, signed by Anthony Daniels. |
Felicia Day, me |
Friday night I went to a special ticketed event through WhoYork to have a Q&A and signing with Doctor Who stars Colin Baker (6th Doctor) and Nicholas Briggs (voice of the Daleks, among other creatures in the Who universe). We also got a surprise visit from Jason Haigh-Ellery from Big Finish (the radio recordings for Doctor Who among other franchises).
Colin Baker's stories he told were the best. His time on set, things that went wrong, things that went right. It was fantastic. He told us how when he first met new castmate Nicola Bryant, he "eventually looked into her eyes." Ha! And then told us when he shot his first scene with Nicola, how he was ducking behind her for the scene. Well Nicola's bum was in his face at eye level basically. He ended up biting her bum. HAHA She was shocked but took it in stride he said. Briggs had some funny stories, too, but none could top Baker's.
Took pics with them all and they signed autographs and such at the end of the Q&A. It was a fab Friday night!
(L-R) Nicholas Briggs, Colin Baker, Jason Haigh-Ellery |
Colin Baker and me! He's a sweetheart! |
Jason Haigh-Ellery, me and Nicholas Briggs |
Saturday, I went to comic writer Dan Slott's signing at the Marvel booth first. He's a friend and awesome guy. I just read Spider-Island and even tho I'm a few years behind on that, I really did enjoy it! It made me care about Spider-Man and Peter Parker. I was never a Spidey gal before. So it was definitely welcomed to read this and enjoy it. He happily signed my book and I got Humberto Ramos to sign it in artist alley the day before and then Joe Quesada signed it as well. Awesome!
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Joe Quesada and me |
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Dan Slott signing at Limited Edition Comix booth |
Then I then got to do the photo shoot with John Barrowman and Gareth David-Lloyd from Torchwood. Love!!! I asked them for the "Wheaton special" which is where you jump into one of their arms and then your friend or significant other stands to the side all pouty that you chose the celeb instead of the S.O. It's funny!! (It was a thing on twitter with Wil Wheaton and his wife first with Nathan Fillion and then with Barrowman they reversed the roles, since Barrowman is gay. It's brilliant. So now all of us geeks are following suit and call it the "Wheaton special".)
My story with Barrowman.... I was told to jump in his arms, as he held my back. I did not jump high enough. So I had to do it again. Pic taken, shuffled out quickly. On the other side of the photo tent, Barrowman peaked his head out of the tent saying something I couldn't hear other than "Sorry".... The person behind us came out after her photo shoot saying, "You have a story now!" um excuse me? what happened?? She told us that him peaking out of the tent he said something along the lines of "No more jumping up because he pulled his back on the last one....sorry!" um oops. I broke Jack!!? crap! So knowing I would get his autograph Sunday, I knew I had to apologize... to which he said he was fine and he's just used to dancers who really JUMP! and forgets that "normal" people can't or don't do that. But he really was fine and no worries... I told him I should have realized that especially being an old gymnast... He responded with "Yeah you shoulda high-kicked the hell outta that jump!!" ah well.
Went with a friend to the Cup O' Joe Panel. It ended up being a mixed bag of what's happening at Marvel. Some of which was discussed at other panels. But it was a relaxed atmosphere to have an open discussion of big stuff for Marvel.
Then I headed to another signing and rest of the day is a blur but I know I walked around more. Ha! And I know I didn't make it to the Shield panel like I wanted to. But oh well. Too much to do and see!
Eventually I hit up the John Barrowman Q&A that evening. One of the best panels ever!! Barrowman delivers. He's exactly what you think he is. So funny, so animated up on stage and just ready for anything! More on that in another post. I videotaped the whole thing but since it's 45 minutes long, I'm trying to figure out how to post it someplace...
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John Barrowman during his Q&A |
Sunday was just as crazy. But for different reasons.
Sunday, a friend and I went to get autographs for John Barrowman and Gareth David-Lloyd on the photo we took together. David-Lloyd's line had no one. Poor Gareth... Barrowman's line though, was a different story! Signings started at noon for the two of them. Lines were horrendous at 11am! Yeesh. So when they got there, I went to Gareth's line first while my friend waited for Barrowman still. It was good we did that, so we killed two birds with one stone. Gareth couldn't have been nicer. He was a sweetheart and just darling.
I apologized to Barrowman for breaking his back. But you see what he said above. He was adorable. His husband, Scott, took our credit card orders. I bought the autograph of course but I also bought his family cookbook which I'm excited to read through and one of his autobiographies I didn't have. He wasn't supposed to sign the books because you should pay for the sigs. But he saw them in my pile and he grabbed them from me to sign anyway! HA! He got a dirty look from Scott but John ignored him haha. It was a great experience. Big thanks to them.
Then I went to the Marvel Now! panel. Which if you saw all the
teaser posters, it was a mixed panel with all the comic artist, writers
or editors of the books in discussion to reveal the actual projects!
More on that in another post. But it was definitely fun!
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Marvel Now panel |
After that I hung out with another friend for a little bit before the Spider-Man panel with Dan Slott. It was the last panel of the day for me and the show. It was a lot of fun to see Dan in the spotlight to discuss the things going on with Doc Oc-Spidey and some of the side stories that will bleed into it from the other comics like Venom. More on this panel to be discussed in another post.
That pretty much ended my con for 2013! It was exhausting but fun. I'm not normally a panel girl but I decided to go to some of them this year. Glad I did. It was so much fun. I'm still reeling from the lack of sleep and lack of food from the weekend. I barely ate whilst at the con, with only breakfast in the morning and a small snack in the afternoon and then a nice dinner each night. Crazy but fun, awesome weekend. More posts to come on Marvel news and cosplayers I saw and everything!
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