Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Giant Robots, Kaiju and Humans. Oh My!

Giant robots and Kaiju!

Let me tell you, I went into this movie thinking it was going to be another Cloverfield. Not that that movie was terrible or anything but it's not my kind of movie. I'm not into alien takeover movies or apocalyptic movies where humans are the ones to suffer and ultimately die.

I hadn't watched many trailers - maybe none even save a few that were on my tv while watching other programs, to which I still ignored anyway. So I totally and completely did not know or chose not to know, that Guillermo Del Toro directed the film and co-wrote it with Travis Beacham. Had I known, I would have gone in with a completely different attitude. But as it was, I'm kind of glad I went in not knowing that. I had far more surprises and added suspense thanks to my ignorance.

Actors Del Toro always uses, show up in the film which is fantastic! And I cheered when I saw one person in particular! (You can probably guess who, he does show up in trailers tho again, I'm ignorant to that fact). And he's just as brilliant as ever without much makeup or prosthetics wooo! He played his role perfectly.

The reality of the movie is really good. The first 10-15 minutes of the film is basically a recap of what's been happening to the world at large with these kaiju. So you don't spend an hour of the film bored or saying "when is the action going to happen?" or "when does this movie really start?" You get into the nitty-gritty very early on and characters are established early on. So it makes a cohesive storyline mixed with enough action, sci-fi and adventure in the entire movie. It really is a continuous, easy to follow film with tons of excellent special effects and visually stunning scenes.

My companion that night said whenever she looked over at me, I was pretty wide-eyed and mouth agape at the scenes! HA! Which is pretty accurate. I really was amazed at the visuals Del Toro put out there.

His characters and their choices made sense. His story telling is always pretty brilliant. And he fulfills that void that most movies these days lack. He has every element of a good film in one film. 

And he does NOT make this into a love story either. I was very proud that Del Toro took the characters and made them individuals who become a team. But not in any sexual way and no fulfillment of sexual tension or even one kiss scene! I was surprised but praise Del Toro for that. He made this a humanitarian movie without needing a sex object. The main female lead Mako, played by Rinko Kikuchi is her own person. With her own baggage and emotions. Yes, she seems to fancy the male lead Raleigh Becket za bit, played by Charlie Hunnam but Del Toro never plays her as the sex object. They are partners and can be friends without a nude scene, without a kissing scene, without a gratuitous undressing scene (looking at you Star Trek!) She truly is an intelligent human being who happens to have a male partner and works well with him on an intelligent level. A few times I found she looked kind of pouty though. That would be my only gripe about either the actress or the character.

I will say his kaiju do look a lot like the hellhounds did in Hellboy. Very much that same muddy grey, four-legged squishy buddha beasts with lots of eyes and same screechy roars. Del Toro likes the same creatures. Tho there are some variations in the heads of these kaiju but I can't tell you why without spoiling the plot.

And I will say that one of the scientist characters, played by Charlie Day, just kept feeling like a smarter Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters. Are you the keymaster? I've never seen this actor before so I can't say anything about his acting but my companion said this was his role - that this is the kind of eccentric, spastic roles he tends to play. I didn't like his character much I guess. But ok then! One of his scenes didn't make much sense or wasn't really followed up on. But I think that's more Del Toro then the actor/acting.

Idris Elba is fantastic. I never really watched any of his movies either, tho he is a hot commodity these days. The only thing I can recall him in was Thor as Heimdall which isn't a big role. But he was pretty good in this movie. The military guy in charge with some baggage that unfolds later in the film.

Del Toro made all the right choices in this film. From the story, to the visuals, to the effects, to the casting, to the non-love-love story. I loved it! I am glad I actually got to go to two screenings of this! I would gladly pay money to see it again though! It definitely holds up even after two viewings.

Oh and stay til mid-credits as there is something there. Nothing at the end though. Teehee!

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