My first ever comic was from Roman Dirge and his series of Lenore. A friend of mine at the time, introduced me to it and I have been hooked ever since. I've been reading Lenore basically since it began about 15 years in 1998. It was really the only comic I read because comics just weren't my medium at the time. So to have the opportunity to review Lenore #8 with Titan Comics, is an amazing honor. I love his Lenore series and have his art book as well which I got signed with a doodle from Dirge when he was in NY a couple years ago.
By the way, even though he's been writing Lenore continuously since 1998, the numbers of these comics are "new" as he became part of the Titan Comics family. Before this, Dirge was with Slave Labor Graphics and his numbered issues were much higher, but there was a bad falling out with SLG that I won't go into. I'm so glad Dirge is with Titan now though, as they seem to promote him much more than SLG did and he deserves the attention.
For those that haven't read any Lenore comics, I'd say go get them now. They are available as hardcover and softcover trades labeled Noogies, Wedgies, Swirlies and Cooties. Yes, this is the humor folks, it's funny. Roman is awesome and deserves your money! Hehe (I am not being paid to say that, the man truly is hilarious and maybe you'll agree if you pick up those books). They are available as signed hardcopies for $29.95 USD/each on Roman's site, Spookyland. But of course you can check your local comic shop or the ever-present Amazon for non-signed softcovers.
Ok enough background, onto the actual review...
The first story in Lenore #8 is very Indian Jones-y. But with Dirge's comedic-gory, dark and yet somewhat slapstick-y humor. This particular story doesn't involve any of his usual characters. It's about excavating an old Egyptian tomb and ending up unleashing Hell. Very Dirge-like subject, unleashing Hell. hahah It almost had a serious tone to parts of it though, like what the mummy stood for and how he went about trying to set things right and about getting revenge when he's reawakened. Sounds good in concept but I felt this story lacked a real ending. Or maybe the joke was too blatent for the ending it was given. At least for Dirge. His stories usually end much better. Though I will say, there is one panel that is just beautifully done, right before a big battle happens. Very much reminiscent of Dirge's other artwork that doesn't involve Lenore.
The main story up next is "Some Things Are Best Unseen." It's a parody on the Ghost Hunters type of show. I am actually a fan of the Ghost Hunters so I did find this story funny. This one was more Dirge in humor and journey of the story. I liked the comedy between Lenore, Ragamuffin and Pooty. The three of them are always pretty funny together. Basically Pooty comes up with the idea that they should become ghosts so that they can scare these ghost hunters out and never have them come back. It kind of backfires on them but in the meantime they meet real ghosts of themselves from another dimension and comedy ensues. And as usual, Dirge has basically inserted himself into the comic as Taxidermy, he does this every so often... To which Taxidermy does some horrible things to the characters without any dialogue - just pictures. It's pretty brilliant. Lenore is hilarious as a ghost, especially with her other-dimension-ghost counterpart. Those scenes with the two of them really made me giggle and really were the best part! The last joke was a little off from the storyline but otherwise I really loved this one. True to Dirge's form. has some preview pages:
I love the cover art for each one and you'll be able to have your choice of covers when it's out in comic shops this week, July 31st!
Personally, I always buy both, so I have more Dirge artwork and he gets more of my money!

Thank you to Titan Comics for letting me preview the issue and the opportunity to review it before the newsstand date. All opinions are my own.