Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Geek Girls' Castle Is Coming!

My next big project is getting an online store ready and together to sell handmade nerdy skirts (with pockets!!) on Etsy that I've been working on for myself and friends. But I've decided to finally bring my product to the world. I'm really excited to get all this under way and have inventory to start it all!

A website is being designed to house this blog and the store at Geek Girls' Castle. I have a lot on the backend to still do, a lot of tech and design work to do, along with actual production of my wares I plan on selling. But I'm hoping to get it all done by month's end and be able to share the baby with you all soon.

I'm really excited to finally have the time and energy to get this project off the ground. I know I have some business lingo to learn and web tech to learn and get through too so my apologies if things are bumpy at first. Nothing is perfect out of the gate though and I'm more than willing to learn it all as best I can and as quickly as I can. So just bear with me as I get through it all.

I'll be announcing everything across the board on social media when it's all ready so keep an eye out! I can't wait to share this with everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your online store. You can make a lot of money doing that. I used to sell stuff on Whit's Blog but I decided to wait until my blog was ranking better. Geeky stuff is awesome.
