Monday, August 10, 2015

Intervention Con Aug 14-16th

This weekend I will be at this awesome convention, Intervention Con.

What is "Intervention Con" you ask? Well, have a seat and let me dive right in!

Intervention combines "internet" and "convention" in order to get "Intervention" which is basically meant to "intervene and inspire real people to explore art, technology, and to pursue their dreams. Artists, Writers, Podcasts, Filmmakers, Actors, Musicians, and more will be holding interactive events all weekend that you can participate in." -Oni Hartstein, James Harknell explain, of Onezumi Events; showrunners of Intervention.

Held in Rockville, Maryland at the Hilton Washington, DC/Rockville on Aug. 14-16th, Oni explains that she hopes the convention will "empower people to take control of their lives by going DIY with the internet and to showcase those who have done so already. We feel that the internet is the present and the future. This is the event for the internet generation." And after successful runs since 2010, this year will mark Hartstein’s sixth time organizing the event.

According to the site, the con features "educational content, children’s programming, board gaming, video gaming, an extensive art festival, live action roleplaying, musical performances, and plenty of giveaways. The event team will also be donating to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an international non-profit digital advocacy group that helps to defend civil liberties in the digital space."

I am most looking forward to a lot of the educational panels. Mostly, the filmmaking panels. There are a few this year, even with an acquaintance I met at another con, who will be teaching indie filmmaking and explaining why now is the time for indie films! (see description below). Now to check the schedule to see which ones and how many of these I can attend in one weekend! :)

The Time For Indie Film Is Now!
Do you want to make a film? Do it now! The time has never been better for to get involved with film production. It won't be easy of course, but our panelists will give you some info on how you can get started in a professional (and hopefully) profitable way.

Other panels of interest to me are the following:

Filmmaking 101
Join us for an introductory discussion on the tools and methods used today to produce film.

Real Talk on Video and Movie Production
Get the real info on how to get started in video and movie production. Equipment, techniques, and business knowledge of getting things done.

Oni Hartstein's Real Talk Marketing 1: Setting up Your Business Online
Setting up Your Business Online - This will cover the basic points that you need to hit and how you need to hit them in order to have an in-person and digital presence that works and grows.

Unique Geek Chic
Are you interested in learning more about how to integrate your geeky side with your everyday style and end up with something that looks chic? Come get tips on how to dress and dress up your life that doesn't compromise your uniquely geeky outlook while still looking great.

Blogging For Fun and Profit
Do you have something to say? Why not start or join a blog? Is it really that easy? Our panelists will talk about the fun parts, and the not so fun parts, about making your blog and online writing successful and possibly even profitable.

And even more so, I really want to go to the Terry Molloy workshop about voice acting! Yes, *that* Terry Molloy, Davros from Doctor Who fame! I always wanted to do voice acting. I know, I can't really do impressions or anything like that, but I have a child-like voice that would be good for a lot of characters I think. But I never knew how to break into it or what it involved. So I'll find out during this 3-part workshop!

Tickets for Intervention 6 can be bought at for the pre-registration price of $45, or at the door for $50. There are single day tickets available as well, by going to the link above.

If anyone I know will be there, find me and let's go to some panels together!

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