Yay!! We finally get a Supergirl TV show!!
First off, I do like this trailer overall.
The nitpicky stuff, not sure about her being an assistant getting coffee and assuming a low-profile identity and acting much like her more famous cousin. Glasses, hair tied back, unassuming low self-esteem type? Although not as low self esteem as Clark. But aside from her day job, this is pretty good.
We seem to be looking at it from an mid-series-Smallville type show where she already knows she has powers but may not know how to use them to their fullest degree yet. But at least she already knows about them. So I appreciate CBS' efforts to bypass 4 seasons of nothing like Smallville did.
Costume, yeah, I'm on board. It does harken a little bit to the Superman: Man of Steel outfit for Superman with a slight pattern on the blue portion and such. But I am glad they kept the skirt design and of course eventually the S on the chest. And did not make a cheesy line about how it stands for hope. Thank you.
But I do like Melissa Benoist as Kara and Supergirl. She really seems to fit the parts well. (And not just because her name is Melissa hehe). But she hits the mark in career-minded woman, to office assistant and then ultimately to Supergirl pretty well. She definitely has the pride of her clan within her and confidence to be someone great and be a ray of hope for those who need her help. Which is what Superman and Supergirl really represent. (Let's not go back to the cheesy hope line tho, ok? thanks!) hehe
It has much brighter colors like the comics and has a much brighter and lighter feel to it with lots of action sequences mixed in. It definitely is already better and paying better homage to Supergirl and Superman then Man of Steel did, that's for sure! So, already the mood is correct.
There is the usual nerd-boy-love-interest but even that, I'm mostly ok with. Kinda like a Cisco is a techie assistant to the Flash (the TV show), he is her techie assistant to her Supergirl, which is actually ok to me.
I like Jimmy Olsen, or James Olsen, ahem, 'scuse me... Although his character seems to be much more mature, secure and stereotypically handsome than the orignal Jimmy Olsen. So it's unclear his role here other than helping Kara out eventually. He's not the old-school clumsy Olsen we know from comics or any other incarnation of Olsen in TV and movies. So it will be interesting to watch a much stronger role being played here than we are used to. Not in a bad way either, just different.
I know in previous press releases we know that Helen Slater (Supergirl from the movie version in 1984) and Dean Cain (Superman/Clark Kent in "Lois and Clark" TV show) will have cameos here. So I'm excited for that as well, though I'm avoiding any other spoilers for who or what they will be playing/doing.
Not knowing much about Supergirl other than the normal basic info and my 1984 Supergirl movie, I am excited to go into this with a mostly clean slate and open mind. I am skeptical if only because that's what we nerds do, but overall I am going in with an open mind and hope to not be spoiled by bad reviews or fanboys doing a nerd-rage in the corner... Here's hoping it really lives up to everyone's expectations!
P.S.: Eventually I want to cosplay the Helen Slater version of Supergirl... It's on the books... ;) But I do like this outfit too so it may go into my wishlist... hehe